Saturday, 24 September 2016

The Script: Chapter one

“Ladies and Gentlemen, David Igwe” said the MC leaving the podium.
David is standing before a mammoth audience, much larger than the one he addressed barely eighteen months ago as he received the award for the best soap of the year for the second time in a row. His wife of five years is in the crowd but he easily spots her, she always stands out in any crowd. She’s an artwork. His eyes dart off to Jude, his friend and producer of his two award winning soaps, the script and class; seated among the big bulls in the industry where he belongs. He had never seen Jude this quiet; he's usually vocal, always very cheerfully taking people through the terrains of intellectual mysteries and ideologies. He has the amazing ability to hold any audience spell-bound with his many unorthodox philosophies. Yet today he is wearing a long face and saying nothing.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Love and Sex

‘The first thing a man thinks when he sees a lady is; wow, I want to hit that and that’s it, if he falls in love along the line that’s a different thing’. Marymag was point-blank about her argument without being vulgar, she sounded so convinced about it that it pissed Steve off so much. She watched him from the corner of her eyes; he was exhausted from defending his gender before two very brilliant and equally beautiful ladies (that is leaving out the anchor though it’s obvious where her loyalty lies). She was enjoying this very much. On Steve’s left was Maureen or Mau, she was enjoying this too, in a completely different kind of way. Marymag could tell this from the edge in her voice when she talked.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Proffessor Lazy

“Professor Lazy is on the way” echoed Jerry’s brittle voice from the end of the hallway and everyone immediately scampered to clear up the much they could of the mess we had made and get a seat for the two hours lecture. I had made one of the most provocative of all the messes; a painting of the professor Ndubuisi ‘Lazy’ butt naked in front of a class. My painting was second only to Jerry’s which had the professor and the head cleaner both naked doing what I would rather not mention.
Professor Francis Ndubuisi is my chubby bald headed arts lecturer; he was nicknamed ‘Lazy’ by BB, Jerry’s cross-eyed girlfriend. He had a way of making us do his work for him, hence the name. He has one of the impressionist paintings I submitted to him as assignment hanging on his sitting room wall, he also has one of BB’s unclad portraits in his bedroom; we had all agreed that he jerks off to it every night.