Saturday, 1 May 2021
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Does Your Routine Work For You?
Life is messy. Every day we meet series of activities that compete ruthlessly for our time. We spend a huge chunk of our day struggling, often unsuccessfully, to squeeze in all our responsibilities at home and at work into the time available to us. Not to forget the time we spend on our most common obsession, the social media.
Monday, 1 March 2021
Do Not Be Satisfied
A new-born starts life being carried around; soon he becomes unsatisfied with being carried around, and begins trying to sit on his own. When he has mastered sitting, still unsatisfied with his level of achievement, he starts learning to crawl, then stand, walk, run and in some cases fly. Not being satisfied with a status quo has been the starting point of all advancements. Every worthwhile achievement and invention has always started with “not being satisfied”; it is a force that pushes us to be better and do better. It impresses in us a strong desire to make better use of the resources available to us to create a better environment for ourselves. If you are not “not satisfied”, you will not have any desire to invest any time or effort in improving any aspect of your life or achieving any objective, actually, you will not have any objective. You will simply not care; you would be satisfied.
Friday, 17 April 2020
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Chioma (excerpt from a WIP)
![Chioma by Cardinal An ebony beautiful girl sitting alone](
The moon dotted generously and flattered the New Ritzy spot, the marble columns seemed to glisten as the moon poured down graciously on them—it was a beautiful place. The fact that it was an open space with the evening zephyr coming at intervals made it all the more sensual. To Chioma’s eye this place was much too grand for her and the waiter who obviously had more flamboyance than she did appeared to have agreed with her.